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The HyProCure procedure is an excellent option for treating patients of almost all ages with painful flat feet and symptoms caused by flat feet of misalignment of the talo tarsal complex. It is a minimally invasive and is typically done in 20-minutes or less. It is often performed in an outpatient setting under a twilight sleep or local sedation. HyProCure is placed in the naturally occurring space between your bones to instantly realign and stabilize the hindfoot. HyProCure will not penetrate or be implanted into your bones. Once placed, it will then allow normal joint range of motion and weight distribution of your body on your feet. Many times HyProCure is performed as a stand-alone, single procedure. However, due to the complex nature of the foot, there may be additional surgical procedures that must also be performed in order to realign or stabilize other parts of the foot. Typically, patients are walking immediately after the procedure in a walking boot and will return to tennis shoes at 2.5 weeks. Make an appointment to learn more about how we may be able to treat your flat feet and related symptoms