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Sprained Ankle Specialist

Podiatry Clinic of Jackson

Podiatrists located in Jackson, TN

A sprained ankle can quickly put you on the sidelines of your own life, slowing you down and making it difficult to complete your normal daily routines. With the latest in diagnostic and treatments options, the team at Podiatry Clinic of Jackson help men and women get back on their feet and back into action. To find relief from the pain and inconvenience of a sprained ankle, schedule an appointment at this Jackson, Tennessee, practice. Book your appointment online or call to speak with a team member.

Sprained Ankle Q & A

What is a sprained ankle?

A sprained ankle is a common injury in which the ligaments that hold your ankle bones in place become torn or otherwise damaged. Ligaments are bands of tough connective tissue and work to secure the bones of your skeleton together in the proper alignment. 

A sprained ankle most commonly occurs when the ligament on the outward-facing side of your ankle is damaged.

What causes a sprained ankle?

A sprained ankle occurs when your ankle joint moves out of its proper position, and the surrounding ligaments stretch or tear. Many different things can cause a sprained ankle, including:

  • Falling or tripping
  • Landing the wrong way after a jump or pivot   
  • Walking or running on uneven surfaces
  • Sustaining an injury that places undue force on your ankle

A previous ankle injury increases your risk of a sprained ankle. Being in poor physical condition, playing sports, and wearing high heels or shoes unsuitable for exercise can also increase your risk.

How do I know if I’ve sprained my ankle?

A sprained ankle is painful, and your pain may be concentrated in one portion of your ankle or spread throughout the joint and surrounding tissues. Pain usually worsens when weight is placed on the ankle, or when you try to move your foot in different directions.

Swelling can occur as your body responds to the injury by sending fluids to the affected area. Your ankle may appear larger than normal, and you may even be able to leave an indentation in your skin just by pressing on the area.

Redness and a sensation of warmth in your ankle is also an indication of a sprain. Your body increases blood flow to the area of injury as part of your natural healing response.

What are some treatments for a sprained ankle?

You can try to care for the sprain at home with a combination of rest, ice, compression, and elevation. If pain and swelling persist, more in-depth care may be necessary.

The team at Podiatry Clinic of Jackson can assess your ankle to determine the extent of the injury and the appropriate treatment path. You may need a medical brace to limit movement in the joint while your body heals, and crutches can help lessen the weight on the joint. Medications can relieve pain and reduce swelling.  

If you suffer a sprained ankle, book an appointment at Podiatry Clinic of Jackson to begin a path toward restored ankle function. You can schedule online or over the phone.